One of the most rapidly evolving policies over the past couple of months has been the decision to wear masks in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
Initially, there was a debate about whether or not wearing a mask was effective and if it should be recommended to the public.
There were some valid concerns such as a shortage of masks for medical personnel and also the risk that wearing a mask could make people more prone to getting close to other people.
And then there was the concern that people would touch the outside of the mask and contaminate their hands and others.
But since then, multiple studies have shown that wearing masks is highly effective at preventing the spread of viruses.
And as some of that data has come out, more businesses and cities are recommending or even requiring masks to be worn.
Well, Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix just became one of the latest to require masks.
The new requirement will go into affect starting in June and will require face coverings throughout the airport.
So anybody entering the terminals will have to have something covering their face whether they are an employee or a passenger.
The policy will also apply to the Rental Car Center, Sky Train, and airport buses.
Of course, like any good rule there are exceptions.
And these exceptions include:
Children two years of age or younger
• Any child age 12 years or less unless parents and caregivers supervise the use of face coverings, or any individual who has a physical disability that prevents easily wearing or removing a face covering
• Any individual who is hearing impaired and uses facial and mouth movements as part of communication, or it is necessary for communicating with an individual using facial and mouth movements to share information
• Individuals consuming food or beverages
• Individuals who are unable to wear a face covering due to a documented medical condition
• When necessary for identification verification purposes
• When necessary for taking photographs for Aviation Credentialing/Security Badging purposes
Some airports are now setting up vending machines that will dispense face coverings and many retail stores within the terminals are also selling face coverings. So if you arrive at an airport with a policy like this and you don’t have a face covering, I assume that you will have an opportunity to purchase one.

Daniel Gillaspia is the Founder of and the credit card app, WalletFlo. He is a former attorney turned travel expert covering destinations along with TSA, airline, and hotel policies. Since 2014, his content has been featured in publications such as National Geographic, Smithsonian Magazine, and CNBC. Read my bio.