IRS checks delayed a few days; here’s why

Many people have already started to receive their stimulus funds from the stimulus package.

These are people who signed up for direct deposit from the IRS whenever they filed their taxes in 2018 or 2019. (You’ve probably already heard from others that their funds have showed up in their bank accounts.)

But if you did not sign up for direct deposit and instead will be receiving a paper check in the mail, those will be delayed a few days because, according to the Washington Post, the IRS is being forced to recode and rework its printing process in order to add President Trump’s name to the checks.

Reportedly, President Trump wanted his signature to be on the check as the signing party but this was not allowed since the U.S. president is not an authorized signer for payments made by the Treasury.

So instead of having the President sign the checks his name will appear in the memo section of the check.

Specifically, it will say: “President Donald J. Trump”  below a line that says “Economic Impact Payment.”

The memo section of the check is traditionally a section used to make special notes about the transaction that might be helpful to yourself or to the party receiving the check. It would make sense to include “economic impact payment” in the memo section but including the name of the president is definitely a peculiar use of the memo line.

This is the first time that a President’s name has appeared on a check from the IRS.

Many people are seeing this as a political stunt given how the 2020 elections are right around the corner.

It is really rubbing a lot of people the wrong way that this is causing a delay to people who are truly in need of these funds.

These checks will be issued out in order of financial need (income bracket) so the lowest income bracket will receive their funds first.

Here are the expected timelines for receiving paper checks (based on your income)

  • April 24: less than $10,000
  • May 1: $10,001 – $20,000
  • May 8: $20,001 and $30,000
  • May to September: in order from lowest income to highest income based on 2018 or 2019 tax information.
  • September 4: Any remaining checks
  • September 11: Checks to those who didn’t provide contact information to the IRS.

So if this is true, this means that those who are in need of these checks the most will suffer a delay of several days because of this. And if that delay is true, it is a shame because including the President’s name in the memo section is not a necessity by any means. (That section could easily be left blank.) 

I would recommend for you to sign up for direct deposit as soon as possible so that you can expedite the delivery of your funds and just avoid the check route altogether. Sign up for direct deposit will be available in the next couple of days, if not tomorrow.

Update: sign-up is live but may not be working for everyone!

I will be sending out notifications when the direct deposit sign up goes live so be sure that you sign up for notifications by clicking on the bell in the lower right corner of this website.


      1. Neither have a lot of us. Said we would have it today. Holding on to pay bills

    1. I have a direct express card. I get my disability on it every month. Will my stimulus check come on this card. I have not received it.

      1. Same here. Please keep us posted on stimulus payments coming on Direct Express cards. Thank you.

    1. I also got a card. But it’s from Jackson Hewitt Express card. I’m Assuming it’s your regular bank account direct deposit.!! You might have to call H&R Block and ask them that!!
      I’m going to call JH and see that’s the some thing!!!!! I sure need it also!!!😩😵

  1. please keep me posted.wat about people with the h&r block card will they be used

  2. What if You get SSI AND SSDI, how do I get and when do I expect My Stimulus Check

      1. What if we got paper check and a advance on are income my third party company said they got are money in there account but can not release it because they had to send it back to the irs because they did not want EFS to cut checks so now we have to wait up to to weeks to see what the irs is going to do now and still won’t let me update my bank info to the portal they made

    1. SSI and SSDI will receive their funds via direct deposit. Suppose to happen sometime this week. I believe Friday. But who really knows!

    1. You have to go to the irs website and put in the account and routing numbers from your netspend card

    1. I am pretty sure it has to be active account not close!! They will try to deposit it in your account but it won’t go through cuz it’s closed you might have to call the bank and ask them to reopen an account!! And if they can’t you have to open another one call that IRS portal website they said on Friday will have the information !! After you open yours!!
      I’ve been listening about the stimulus checks every day!! God bless!!

      1. I keep signing in but you keep saying my birthday is not correct what is the problem I need this stimulus package soon

        1. The IRS got a portal website you can go in too!! Hope everything his well!! I’m still waiting on mine!!😵😖

    1. I dont understand why SSI or SSDI recipients are eligible. No offense but these are people who get to sit back an collect their funds every month. Without interruption or delay. Like many other Americans I was forced to go home and not work. And have used any paid time I had up right off. Shouldn’t people in my situation or a similar be some the first to recieve this?. Where as people who receive fixed benefits be recieving these payments last? Considering they didn’t lose their income/livelihoods due to Covid-19?

      1. How about you worry about yourself, rather than who’s getting SSI or SSDI. People who are out of work are getting extra money. Making more than you would if you were working! So do you think it’s a fair statement to stereotype a group of people? SSI and SSDI are most certainly getting rich.

        1. Exactly don’t put down people for being on SSDI. I racked up my c c on stuff I never would have stocked up on. So I’m in debt have direct deposit. And got my 1099 form from I r s as a no filing tax return. People that have not stopped working! If anything they are getting major hours. Why have they got a check already

        2. Sorry but I do worry about working my ass off my whole adult life to pay for people who in some cases are freeloaders on the system and the rest of the hard working American public. I have a disability and still pull my own weight. Clearly you taking offense to my comment makes it clear your one of these said lazy asses waiting on their next hand out. So I’ll worry about whatever the fuck I want since I’ve earned that right like the rest of the hard working Americans who were forced to go sit home and not make money to support my family or my sick mother I help care for. For the record I’m not putting people down for being on ssdi or any of these programs. If your situation truly warrants it then by all means. I have two cousins who have been collecting ssdi since their early 20s due to mild epilepsy that is manageable through proper self care and medications. They choose use their benefits to drink alcohol and smoke crack for the better part of 17yrs now much to the chagrin of myself their parents and my extended family. So you must forgive me if this topic has left a bad taste in my mouth. I know I’m not the minority here either .

      2. I collect SSI/SSDI and I served my country and in the United States Armed Services and am now disabled, and what I do collect a month is what you make in a week so please don’t start crying 😭 that people on SSI and SSDI ore just sitting back collecting a check uninterrupted. I would rather be doing the job I was trained to do in the military and not have the medical procedures I have monthly and have to deal with the nightmares I have nightly.

        1. I wouldn’t bother explaining yourself and your situation. Those people are just ignorant. People on social security most certainly aren’t “sitting back” and collecting money once a month and being lazy. But those type of people who say that shit don’t say what about the rich? Corporate welfare! Sorry but 1, 200 isn’t going very far. So SSI and SSDI aren’t getting rich! And thank you Thomas for your sacrifice and serving this country. I come from a military family and understand the sacrifices. And understand the PTSD, my brother suffers with that because of the military.

  3. D J T J #*% A $$! Why don’t you shove your narsasistic head up your A$$ and get out of the way so people can get their money to need their needs, How dare you!

  4. I collect Social security disability. Have had direct deposit since 2013. Was told we would have our checks by today. Opened my app and nothing. I get a 1099 from SS so what’s the problem?

    1. SSI recipients will review theirs this week. I got my stimulus. But my son recieves SSI, he gets a 1099 form along with mine. So I don’t understand the hold up, especially when they have your information. And nobody has an answer about the people under 17 who have a payee. That’s a question alot of people have and nobody knows. It shouldn’t be a problem for any reciepents who get a 1099 form. It’s frustrating. But I hope the people whom haven’t seen a dime get it this week. It’s horrible that families counting on that money to keep their bills paid and food on the table.

  5. So why would a person try to get stimulus money from your private company when u have nothing to do with the irs???? Ur fine print says your not part of a bank either. Sounds fishy to me.

  6. Thank you President Trump, many Americans are hurting, you have saved a lot of them.

  7. The banks are holding onto the funds,. They make a lot of interest when you talking as much money as this is.

  8. I had my 2018/2019 taxes deposit on a green dot card I haven’t seen anything not even a pending

  9. Can I get in touch with the IRS to see if they have my right deposit information

  10. Social security recipients that didn’t file a return are the funds being sent to the financial insitution where their SS benefit is sent?

  11. So will this money go no my next spend tax card i have from liberty tax place it said when i called the and they said there was a pending transaction but thats all it saying

  12. I get SSI me and my son I’m his overseer our money comes direct deposit . through direct express. How will we receive ours.

    1. The social security administration is trying to work closely with the treasury to make economic stimulus payments automatic

  13. Baby you need to stop being selfish. We can’t help that we can’t work anymore. It’s not our fault how the payment method is set up. Maybe of you be thankful that you are alive and will get a check soon. Don’t be trying to blame the disability, retired and VA recipients. Blame your president and Congress.

  14. I. Posted. My. The. Port. Amp. And. My. Address. Is. Still. There. But
    . when. I.. Tryed. Again.. My. San.. Disappeared.. But.. Add. Was. Still. There…. What’s. The. Deal…..?….???

  15. Lots of people have to live on the minimal SSDI by no fault of their own. So stop hating 😡. This is a time we need to come together not turn on your neighbor.

  16. I don’t see why it won’t the irs has in info it need to put that payment on that Direct Express Card

  17. So if you got claimed on somebody taxes you will.not be able to receive the stimulus check even for those who are on ssi

  18. I tryed to use the IRS site it won’t tell me nothing am I suppose to get my stimulus threw my Direct Express card ? Or the card I receive me tax refund on PayPal card it’s a checking account . I’m very frustrated I am disabled and I need that money just to stay ahead on my bills. Also the irs/Gov won’t even recognize my ssn? Why could someone tell me? Should I be concerned?

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