The stimulus checks are beginning to be processed and should start going out to Americans in the next couple of weeks. I’ve written about the requirements for these and how to expedite getting your payment so if you want to find out those details click here. But there are a lot of Americans who will not be eligible for these checks and I will go through some of those circumstances below.
College students
If you are 17 years or older, such as many college students, and are claimed by your parents as a dependent, you will not be eligible for the stimulus check and your parents will not get the $500 additional bonus either.
This is a major bummer to me because there are a lot of college students currently at home and due to circumstances may not be able to get a job. Their parents may be paying for their room and board and unable to receive support for that.
Babies born in 2020
If you had a baby born in 2020, you will not receive an additional bonus for that child since the determination is based on your 2018 or 2019 taxes.
Again, this is a tough one because parents with newborns are in vulnerable positions and I’m sure many could use support for essential needs for their newborns.
Disabled people whose parents support them
Individuals who receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration or Veteran Affairs are eligible for payments but not disabled adults were claimed as dependents by their parents or other relatives for tax purposes.
Seniors living with their kids
Senior citizens on Social Security are eligible for the stimulus check but if they are considered a dependent because they live with their adult children or other relatives they will not be eligible for a check.
High earners who lost their jobs
If you received income above the income threshold but lost your job this year or receive a pay cut that put you below, you will not be eligible for a check but you should be able to receive a credit on your taxes next year.
Parents with split custody of kids
Some parents who split custody with their children take turns each year claiming them on their taxes and so some parents may not have an additional bonus for their kids depending on the year.
People who owe back child support
Unlike other funds that will not be garnished such as overdue student loans, back child support will be garnished if it is owed and those folks will not receive a stimulus check.

Daniel Gillaspia is the Founder of and the credit card app, WalletFlo. He is a former attorney turned travel expert covering destinations along with TSA, airline, and hotel policies. Since 2014, his content has been featured in publications such as National Geographic, Smithsonian Magazine, and CNBC. Read my bio.
also: anyone who didn’t file a tax return in either 2018 or 2019
Do you have to do anything to get the stimulus checks? Or does it automatically get sent to you if you filed taxes?
It will automatically be sent to you based on how you receive your tax refund either by check or direct deposit.
Im on ssi do i get stimulus check
Will people with a fix income, or receiving Social Security get a payback?
Yes, if you are receiving Social Security you will receive a stimulus check and you don’t even have to file taxes.
That answered my question. You are doing a great job. Thank you
I get ssi an disabled live along my son clam me
What about people that have done both .file and get SSA moenys as well. And have a card from H&R block and direct Express.
I heard we don’t get the second one but i haven’t got my first one yet
Am on ssi my money comes on a direct express card
I am a ex inmate who filed but did not receive the first stimulus there some way I can get that one too?
If you receive Social Security Disability but owe back child support will you get the stimulant check?
That’s a good question and I don’t know for sure but based on things I have read I don’t think you would receive a stimulus check. But that is just my guess.
So how can we find out for sure because im wondering the same thing
Do if you owe back child support.. basically you get nothing.. go starve because we are not going to pay it towards the back child support either. It’s a pandemic I can’t work because of it. And in the state of Ohio you can forget unemployment hello too.
Could it Go to back child support? That would be a good idea.
I suspect that is what is going to happen.
What about if we didn’t file taxes in 18 or 19?
I think that disqualifies you unless an exception applies.
then you need to file on the non-filer on the website the cut off was may 4,2020. But I heard if you didn’t file this year in 2020 then in 2021 you can get your stimulus!
Do you receive a check if you owe taxes?
Yes, you will receive a check even if you owe back taxes.
What if you owe for unemployment overpayment???
If you receive Social Security Disability but owe back child support will you get the stimulant check?
So it looks to me like, basically anyone that really needs it are out. That sounds about right.
Unfortunately, yes it looks like many people disqualify who could really use this.
Well clearly you are not looking very hard, virtually everyone that makes under 75,000 dollars a year other than the percentage of kids that live with their parents and already got tax credits claiming them as a dependent. Several esteemed studies show less than 10 percent of people making under 150 thousand a year as a couple and 75,000 as single parent and a large percentage of those are people behind on their child support (clearly children and the elderly are the most vunerable) and Social Security recipients will have direct deposit or checks coming posthaste along with everyone who has claimed their taxes. Their may be a small percentage or those in need who fall through the cracks as is the case with any program run by anyone but their is tons of money being pumped into food banks and churches and community centers that have every kind of halp imaginable,plus people cannot be evicted during the crisis,have there utilities shut off or homes forclosed on by law. I think for once the people that really need help are getting it in most places and where I live the communities in PA are coming together in incredible ways finding ways to meet the needs of everyone that has them.
What if u owe for student loans and the irs kept ur income tax this year. Will I still get a xheck
Yes, you will still get a check.
Not only will you receive the stimulus payment, you will also receive however much Money was garnished from your refund due to your student loan default. That money however will be sent in a separate check. It isnt going to happen in one deposit. I don’t have any further information on when the garnished taxes will be sent out sorry.
Will inmates in prisons recive this check.
No, they are technically dependents of the state.
If I get social security after my dad died am I still eligible for the stimulus payment
well 89,000 inmates and dead people have actually received the stimulus checks! There is a glitch in the system, so yes inmates are qualified to get a check!
Well u recive one even if u rent a roam out to ur child but u are still on ur own
Yes, I have a older disabled Brother, who leaves in a Nursing Home in NJ. I understand, he’s going to receive a Stimulus Check? He doesn’t have a bank account. The Nursing Home, receives his disability amount, each month & uses his money, to live at the Nursing Home. But, PLEASE TELL ME, HOW WILL HE RECEIVE A CHECK, AT THE NURSING HOME? HE WON’T KNOW, WHAT TO DO WITH IT. HE’LL JUST THROW IT AWAY. Please help me, I greatly appreciate it. Constance A Priest
What about the spouse of a person that owes back child support?
The spouse of a person that owes back child support will not be affected. Only the individual who owes back child support will be impacted.
We have a 17 yr old son that is doing high school on line thru his local high school. He turned 17 last Oct. 2019. We wont get the $500 for him? Even tho he is a minor and depends on us (his parents) 100%?
Unfortunately, no they won’t issue the $500 for him since he is 17.
Im 36yr old with 3yr old daughter. I work under the table as waitress n didnt do taxes in past2yr but someone claimed my daughter last year n i did taxes for a few yrs 3yrs ago. Im also on welfare. Am i eligible for any stimulus frm gov’t or welfare etc?
Well clearly you are not looking very hard, virtually everyone that makes under 75,000 dollars a year other than the percentage of kids that live with their parents and already got tax credits claiming them as a dependent. Several esteemed studies show less than 10 percent of people making under 150 thousand a year as a couple and 75,000 as single parent and a large percentage of those are people behind on their child support (clearly children and the elderly are the most vunerable) and Social Security recipients will have direct deposit or checks coming posthaste along with everyone who has claimed their taxes. Their may be a small percentage or those in need who fall through the cracks as is the case with any program run by anyone but their is tons of money being pumped into food banks and churches and community centers that have every kind of halp imaginable,plus people cannot be evicted during the crisis,have there utilities shut off or homes foreclosed on by law. I think for once the people that really need help are getting it in most places and where I live the communities in PA are coming together in incredible ways finding ways to meet the needs of everyone that has them.
That is a tough one beyond my expertise. If you did not file taxes I would be doubtful about your eligibility though. But I’m not sure how welfare factors in.
If you didnt FILE IN 2018 OR 2019 u get nothing . Y would you think you would if u dont even pay tax,s an getting welfare. Your getting more then u should your already cheating the system .
yes, hello there is the non-fillers information that you would simply put in and it will send you a email confirmation , even though the cut off is may 4th 2020 ,you could do this next year. but the question would be because someone else filed for your child. it does not hurt to try but this time include youre daughter on your taxes otherwise it will automatically go to the 1 who is claiming here!
What about disabled Veterans receiving pensions from the military? Some are not required to file taxes.
I think you will be good according to the below:
“You are not required to file a tax return if your income falls under a specific limit, or if you only have non-taxable income, such as Social Security Disability (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), VA disability compensation, dependency and indemnity compensation (DIC), or similar benefits.
If your only income is from Social Security benefits, or a combination of Social Security benefits and VA disability compensation, you are covered. The IRS has announced it will automatically send stimulus checks to those who receive Social Security benefits.”
According to this website:
Hi Daniel,
I’ve been out of work on disability since Jan 2016, my Lawyer & I settled with the company in Apr 2019, I filed 2018 did not file 2019, I will have my SSDI hearing in June, will I be eligible to receive a stimulus check ?
Hey Michael are you currently receiving Social Security Disability (SSDI) or is it all pending your hearing in June?
No pending june hearing.
Well, since you filed in 2018 you still should be eligible if your income was underneath the requirements.
Great afternoon can you receive a stimulus check If your owed child support from the non custodial parent.
Yes, you can still receive the stimulus check if the noncustodial parent is behind on child support.
Hi am am in a nursing home awaiting to get out but with all this stuff going on I am stuck here til it’s over with. I recieve disability, will I still get a check?
Yes, if you receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), you should receive a check unless you are considered a dependent.
Great afternoon can you receive a stimulus check If your owed child support
I was receiving long term disability through my job while my disability was being approved through Social Security I filed a tax return in 2018 I also got approved for disability and filed my last taxes in 2019 I was also claimed by my son in 2019 but I am still now receiving disability will I get a check
How about I claim my kids as dependent and my kids work and file taxes as single do they get the stimulus check?
No, if they are claimed As dependent they will not get a check
Will I get one if I owe student loans
Yes, you are still eligible
Hello, I am a self employed massage therapist, I make way less than the 75.000, will I get a stimulus check? Thank you
Yes, as long as you filed your taxes.
What if your college student just started college in the fall of 2019 and you claimed them as a dependent on your 2018 taxes? She turned 18 in March of 2019.
You would not be able to receive a stimulus check for that college student and they would not be able to receive one either.
What happens if you got divorced in 2019? How do I get my stimulus check?
That depends on how you filed. If you filed jointly then the recipients address will get the check.
Hello. If the non custodial parent owe child support, will their stimulus check go to the custodial parent or will they just not get one?
Based on the article below, I think the stimulus check due to the non-custodial parent who owes child support will go to the custodial parent who is due the child support. But I am not 100% sure.
“In the viewer’s case, she and her husband would still get $2,200, while her husband’s ex gets his $1,200.”
I owe back payments for unemployment and they take my tax returns(they gave me more than they should have about 5-6 yrs ago). Side note, that they also made me ineligible for unemployment for my 2-3 week layoff until it’s paid off. Am I eligible for the stimulus check?
According to reports, back child support is the only type of funds being garnished for stimulus payments. I don’t know for sure about unemployment but I have not seen it listed as a garnished fund so you might be good. Not sure on this one though.
If u owe federal as in social security and they garnished my taxes will u still get a check
Based on what I’ve seen so far, you would still be entitled to a stimulus check.
My parents are on a fixed income. My father receives Social Security but my mother does not work nor is she eligible for SS benefits yet. Will they both be eligible for the $1,200 stimulus funds or just my father?
Did they not file income taxes in 2019 or 2018?
What if you owetchild support but don’t have any income
I am a single parent who doesnt not share custody with the other parent..we switch but the 2 kids we share mostly stay with me 4-5 days a week. We have both been laid off because of the COVID19. I have filed my taxes claiming both children. But I make half the amount of the other parent. Will I receive the stimulus? Please advise. Appreciate it.
That would all depend on your income it sounds like. If you are under the income threshold then you will be able to receive the stimulus check for yourself and the two dependent kids. The income of the other parent should not affect your eligibility unless you filed together.
I don’t work due to an car accident in July 2014. I do odd jobs and get paid cash can I get a stimuluss check
It sounds like you have not file taxes so the only way you could is if you were receiving some type of fixed income like Social Security, disability, etc.
So can filling out a schedule c to show how much I made work. Because I am waiting for my SSI hearing with the judge
That is something I don’t know. I doubt it because I have not seen anything about that but I cannot tell you for sure.
I am waiting on a disability hearing and last worked in 2017 i get food stamps and insurance i fet a small amount from my ex husband. I filed taxes in 2019. Will i get a check?
If you file taxes in 2019 then you should be good.
I get my tax refund by check each year but I receive my SSDI direct deposit
Will I get a mailed check or will my 1200$ be sent to me in the form of a check
I’m pretty sure that the stimulus is going by whether or not you received your tax refund by direct deposit. I will be notifying all readers as soon as the direct deposit feature becomes available so be on the lookout.
If you are married filing jointly but one spouse is on SSI and filed his brother as well who’s on SSD will all three get a check or only one
That is a tough one. Is the brother a dependent to the spouse?
If you are married filing jointly but one spouse is on SSI and filed his brother as well who’s on SSD will all yes it’s the wife brother but he helps him out through the yearthree get a check or only one
Hi Daniel yes he is the brother in law of the one that files the taxes he just help him out through out the year
Sorry typo
It should have said will I get my check in the mail or will it be direct deposit
I’m pretty sure it will be by mail unless you sign up for direct deposit when it becomes available
So because I owe some back support I am not effected by this . It is crazy that a stimulus payment is being.taken and given to the other parent. I thought it was so I could pay my bills not so she could have a 2400 dollar shopping spree.thanks America government.POS government
Hello Daniel Gillaspia do you think that’s fair every one is suffering now not from any fault of there own many Americans has lost there jobs do to this virus that maybe was behind but paying on there child support I think it’s wrong and the government should be ashamed of them selves it’s ok to owe back taxes and student loans we will forgive that but child support we don’t care if you or unemployed and struggling you won’t get anything my I can see if you owe back child support and your kids were younger but a lot of these people that owe back there kids our grown so now what still got to take care of momma
Hey Chris, I was surprised that back child support was not excluded like other things owed. This is a crisis like we have never seen before and it was a big surprise to me.
If you filed taxes in 2018 thru H&R block and got paid using their debit card. Will the stimulus check come on that?
That’s a good question. I would venture to say yes if they linked that to your IRS account.
My husband is retired and gets SSI.I still work. We filed jointly. Our total income is way under 75,000. My question is will we both receive a check? I had returns my automatically deposited .
I believe you should get the full $2,400 based on your situation.
i had to pay the IRS last year , which I paid. Will I get a check back? When I enter my info it says “Based on the info we have on file for you we cannot determine your eligibility” Please advise.
Hey im 19 years old and i live with my mom and brother is 23 years old . Was wondering if i the 19 year old would still get a check if i dropped out of college in fall of 2019 for my first year but i did do my Taxes this year independent im postive my mom didnt claim me in her 2019 taxes
Will I get a check if we made over the amount to get stimulus money on 2018 taxes, but under in 2019? We didn;t file our 2019 taxes until 4/1/20. When did they start going over taxes to determine because I was told if you had not filed they would go off your 2018 taxes. I got my refund today but no stimulus. Is there a cut off for that?
We have a payment plan w/ the IRS to pay back taxes. They auto deduct their payment every month. Are we eligible to receive the Stimulus money?
If i am a 1099 and filed my taxes in 2018 and did a direct pay using my bank account on the website and made under 75,000 am i eligible and will get a direct deposit?
The economic impact payments can be offset through the Treasury Offset Program (TOP) only to collect delinquent child support obligations that have been referred by the state to TOP.
My brother is also getting the message this morning “According to information that we have on file, we cannot determine your eligibility for a payment at this time.” which is strange because even though he didn’t file his 2018 he did file his 2019 taxes a month ago and even got his state refund back recently. I didn’t get this message this morning but I filed 2018 & 2019. Makes me wonder if they have a flaw in their validation on the site somewhere.
I gave my direct deposit stuff to my chime card on the non filter thing on the IRs page and I used the get my payment tool and ita saying status not available ?
If I get social security after my dad died am I still eligible for the stimulus payment
IRS did not pay for a foster child that I claimed on my 2019 taxes. Is there a way to correct the mistake? I just submitted return on March 19 so maybe not in their system . Thanks.
I filed taxes in 2018 and 2019 but still haven’t received my 2019 refund as yet. It was withheld due to an error on my 2015 taxes. I had to refile for 2015 . My tax man gave me a different figure from what he sent to irs so now i cant check anything online because i keep getting an error message.
What if you are on Workers Comp Will you get a check?
Filed 3 years 2 on paper and 1 for 2019 on turbo tax
Will I get stimulus ?
I get Social security and do not have to file taxes. But I do receive a SSA1099.
Have no dependants. Single
My monthly income goes on my Direct deposit card that I received from the Social security office. Have not received my stimulus check yet. What do I do now?
I receive social security disability benefits but file jointly with husband who has an ITIN number. I am disqualified through IRS for stimulus but do I still qualify under as?
Typo*** do I still qualify under SSA?
If i receive SSI retired and work but my taxable income is below $30,000 for the year I filed 2018 will I still be eligible for a relief check for my wife and I
My friend leaves with me for many on ssa and ssi gets it in direct express..I claim her each year on taxes.does she get stimulus check?
Where will I get my check? I filed with H&R block had my check put on a emerald card. But retired and I’m in social security will my check be on my emerald card or on my social security which I get direct deposit or will I get a check in the mail??????
I can’t file it askin for I’m pin IV donE ALL THE ONLINE HELP NOW WHAT
What if you pay IRS every year. The IRS will not have any routing information but you also receive Social Security benefits (which I pay IRS yearly for partial of my Soc Sec benefits)
How will I get my stimulus check?
Yes, I have a older disabled Brother, who leaves in a Nursing Home in NJ. I understand, he’s going to receive a Stimulus Check? He doesn’t have a bank account. The Nursing Home, receives his disability amount, each month & uses his money, to live at the Nursing Home. But, PLEASE TELL ME, HOW WILL HE RECEIVE A CHECK, AT THE NURSING HOME? HE WON’T KNOW, WHAT TO DO WITH IT. HE’LL JUST THROW IT AWAY. Please help me, I greatly appreciate it. Constance A Priest
Will I be eligible for a stimulus payment if I received ssi in 2018 but no longer get benefit at this time?
I receive SSDI; I have direct deposit since July 2019. I haven’t gotten any deposit as of yet. Am I to input my info online at
It says on website that I am to do nothing if I receive a 1099 SSA in which I do. Am I eligible?
So im sure im not alone on this but i was not required to file in 2018, or 2019 cause i only worked maby 25 days or so, can i get a check? I did fill out a “free file”thing an gave my bank info on the “get my stimulis”website.
I filed my 2019 tax return on April 16, 2020, because I usually end up paying, so I file late. Will this tax return be counted? If so, I should receive the stimulus payment. Or, will they only look only at my 2018 return. If so, I earned over $100,000. Thus far, I have check on the website and have only received a message from the IRS, “According to our records, you are not eligible at this time.”
Please provide an answer, if possible. Thank you.
On SSDI. Everyone I know also on SSDI got theirs a month ago. Finally got a response other than “status not available” from the Get My Payment tool and it said “records don’t match,” then locked me out. No one at IRS to answer phones, so no way to verify or correct anything.
Have accepted I’m not getting a check.
I checked the get my payment and it read that I will receive the payment on May 13th. I receive supplemental income. My issue is I owe back child support from 35 years ago. May 13th has come and gone and I have not received the stimulus.
Will I receive a stimulus check if I am unemployed and receive food stamps?