Chase Unofficially Extending Sign-up Bonus Deadlines for Credit Card Holders

Via MMS, it looks like Chase might be unofficially extending deadlines for Chase credit card holders to hit the minimum spend requirement for their sign-up bonuses. Readers there reported that they sent in secured messages (the preferred method for inquiring about these type of questions) inquiring as to when the deadline is for them to meet their sign-up bonuses. (It looks like they were inquiring about their Chase Sapphire Preferred card specifically.)

Chase responded to them via secured message that they would have 115 days to meet their spend requirement versus the three month timeframe that is found in the terms and conditions. Some even sent follow up messages to clarify this and Chase responded by affirming that they would indeed have 115 days to meet their spend requirement.

This isn’t completely new as Chase has been offering unofficial extensions for these spend requirements for some time. I’m not sure if this extension is granted to all Chase credit cards or only specific cards branded by Chase like the Sapphire Preferred and/or Reserve.

I would personally not always count on this 115 day period being granted, as some phone reps have even denied that it would be honored (phone reps not being properly informed would be nothing new, however). If you have Chase confirming this extension in writing via a secured message you probably have enough evidence to successfully plead your case and win in the event of a conflict, but I would still try to get your spend done within 3 months from the date of approval/your account opening date.

Still, sometimes you might get into a bind where you need some extra time to meet your spend requirement and this exception will definitely come in handy then. If you need this extra time then be sure to request an exact date by when you need to meet your minimum spend via a secured message. Chase will often also provide you with your account opening date as well so you can count out the days they are giving you if you’d like but the key is to get them to state a specific deadline in writing so that you can fall back on that if you need to.

This grace period is in line with what some issuers offer, such as Citibank who often allows an extra 14 days from the official deadline of your minimum spend requirement.